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Issue 297 (January 2023) - Escape Windows 2023

Click here to get just the source code used in tutorials

Escape Windows Linux Format style! We guide the first time Linux user through the install maze to escape Microsoft to software freedom. Discover how you can run Linux anywhere, any how and any time with one of the best beginner-friendly options: Elementary OS!

PLUS: discover Distrobox, get started with GiMP, open source RAW photography, touch-typing tutoring from the terminal, time-lapse photography, code on-line Python apps, ReactOS the open source Windows, the future of Audacity and loads more!


Escape Windows

(Nick Peers)
Available as a PDF to subscribers.

RAW photography

(Karsten Gunther)
Available as a PDF to subscribers.

Audacity of it!

(Neil Mohr)
Available as a PDF to subscribers.


How to use real drives with virtual machines. Making use of hard drive SMART details. USB memory – we think not! Sorting out scripts, the Wheel explained, and more. (Neil Bothwick)
Available as a PDF to subscribers.



A Photo Tool Libre, Shutter Encoder, Passy, Open-Typer, Qtexttospeech, Thorium, Ásbrú, ET: Legacy, Cro-Mag Rally, Nvtop and Stretchly. (Mayank Sharma)
Available as a PDF to subscribers.


Terminal - GNU typist

(Shashank Sharma)
Available as a PDF to subscribers.

Buttercup - passwords

(Nick Peers)
Available as a PDF to subscribers.


(Michael Reed)
Available as a PDF to subscribers.

Gphoto - time-lapse

(Mike Bedford)
Available as a PDF to subscribers.


(Mats Tage Axelsson)
Available as a PDF to subscribers.

GIMP - basic editing

(Neil Mohr)
Available as a PDF to subscribers.

Build a USB device

(Les Pounder)
Available as a PDF to subscribers.

Design and build a robot

(Les Pounder)
Available as a PDF to subscribers.

Graph system settings

(Matt Holder)
Available as a PDF to subscribers.

 Coding Academy

eBPF to monitor filesystems

(Mihalis Tsoukalos)
Available as a PDF to subscribers.

Code a django admin backend

(Matt Holder)
Available as a PDF to subscribers.


Samsung 990 Pro 2TB

(Jeremy Laird)
Available as a PDF to subscribers.

Phrozen Sonic Mighty 8k

(Denise Bertacchi)
Available as a PDF to subscribers.


(Nate Drake)
Available as a PDF to subscribers.

Voyager Live 22.10

(Nate Drake)
Available as a PDF to subscribers.

Ubuntu Unity 22.10

(Nate Drake)
Available as a PDF to subscribers.

PiKISS v1.10

(Les Pounder)
Available as a PDF to subscribers.

Note-taking outliners

Trilium, CherryTree, Zim, Joplin, QOwnNotes (Michael Reed)
Available as a PDF to subscribers.


News: News

Funding, funding, funding! Open source projects are rolling in it – money, that is! Arm is being silly, Google is to make its own OS, Godot has a foundation, and more! (Linux Format)
Available as a PDF to subscribers.

News: Kernel news

(Jon Masters)
Available as a PDF to subscribers.

News: Pi news

Introduced by Les Pounder, who ponders where to go after Twitter eats itself. Eben Upton is going to restock Pi in time for autumn, plus more projects and boards. (Les Pounder)
Available as a PDF to subscribers.